
Can we have it all at the same time?

Can we have it all at the same time?

On a recent event, when two women speakers dropped out owing to childcare crisis that simply left me wondering with the❓
Can women have it all at the same time?

An age-old question wrapped up with a new set of challenges in an unfamiliar career landscape that never seems to have found- size- fits -all solution.
It does not surprise me at all when recent researches state that 69% of women said they would likely be the ones to leave work, compared to 31% of males. There are no two ways about it that in the majority of cases, it is women more than men who adjust their careers for family life, schedule and make compromises when needed for children and other family members collide with work, despite getting far better support from their spouse as never before in changing times. However, doing more certainly does not mean doing enough. Isn’t it???

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