Role Models

Women in corporate leadership roles | Women In Congo

Women in corporate leadership roles | Women In Congo Worldwide, the number of women in positions of power, holding occupations that give them great authority and influence is very little compare to men. Uneven expectations and widespread stereotypical biases to elevate women on higher positions by and large, make women’s professional journey very tough. According to a report of IMF staff study—which looked at two million firms in 34 countries in Europe—greater gender diversity in senior positions was associated with higher profitability of firms. More precisely, it found that one more woman in senior management or on a corporate board is associated with 8–13 basis points higher return on assets. But some women have rock solid determination -Daniela Savic’s multidisciplinary agility and strategic thinking enabled her to transform complexities into opportunities of growth by using a systematic approach to problem-solving. With her 9-year international experience in managing and implementing “Business with Purpose” projects, which includes 4 years at UNICEF as well. Currently she is posted in Congo as a Corporate Alliances Specialist, UNICEF.

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