


Parenting in the Modern World | Parenting tips | How to raise a happy child What characteristics do you think to make someone a good parent? Is there any magic formula for perfect parenting? The process of Parenting may help a lot to experience the various dimensions of life and bring great learning into life, but it can also be challenging and overwhelming. Because every child and family situation is unique, it can be hard to know the best thing to do in every parenting situation. in fact, parenting is a very complex process but achieving harmony in this tender relationship is not impossible if done consciously and carefully. We had an enriching conversation on #WahWoman with Deepti Joshi, a Mindset and Parenting coach and founder of Brain Matters, Pune. An engineer turned Psychologist. She has worked in IT, IT sales, and corporate communications and then ventured into psychology. with Brain Matters, she has collaborated with a number of schools and helped thousands of students and parents by improving their performance. She is passionate about helping people achieve their true potential! She employs various techniques, for men, women, and children to heal their past traumas so that they can grow in every area of their life. Parenting in the Modern World | Parenting tips

Leslee Udwin talks | Sexual Violence | India’s Daughter |WahWoman Nothing can be more delightful than meeting someone who could spark a global movement to make this world a better place, believing as the purpose of her life. I am absolutely thrilled to publish my conversation with Leslee Udwin, a multi-award-winning filmmaker (producer and director) and director, and CEO of Think Equal. She was named the second most Impactful Woman of 2015 by The New York Times, Hillary Clinton was number one. She was awarded the prestigious Swedish Anna Lindh Human Rights Prize, previously won by Madeleine Albright, and was named Safe’s Global Hero of 2015, Global Thinker by Foreign Policy. Her productions include films like East is East (1999), Mrs. Ratcliffe’s Revolution (2007), and West is West (2010), and groundbreaking documentary India’s Daughter (2015) and a human rights campaigner. Watch it Leslee Udwin,

Science and technology are often considered to be the forte of men. if I ask you to name few greatest scientists of all time, there are chances that you may end up telling only male scientists women are left off the roster, despite making a huge contribution to science and researches. In history, there are numerous female scientists who made crucial discoveries and inventions in the field of science. Joining me Melisa Lopez Anton, chair of the Spanish women scientists association in the US.

Indian Social Activist| Women activist in India| Social Worker Smita Vikhankar Woman For Woman- Social Worker Smita Vikhankar & Rajni Vohra ( Volunteering is the commitment of time and energy, for the benefit of society and community, the environment, or individuals outside one’s immediate family. It is undertaken freely and without concern for financial gain. Your focus switches from yourself to other people. Your own life, for a while, fades into the background. One such large-hearted person Smita Vikankar joined us on WahWoman to share her perspective and her work towards feminine hygiene.